What are the benefits of steaming sauna?

Steam sauna is a common physical therapy method that uses steam to treat the human body in a closed room, with indoor temperatures exceeding 60 ℃. In a high-temperature environment, it can generate internal heat effects in the deep layers of the skin, promote the expansion of capillaries throughout the body, facilitate sweating, help eliminate metabolic waste and garbage in the body, thereby enhancing vascular elasticity, allowing muscles to relax, and relieving fatigue. Let’s take a look at the benefits of sauna for the body?
The efficacy and principle of steaming sauna
Effect: Steaming sauna is a thermal therapy that uses hot steam to open pores and accelerate blood circulation. It can expel external moisture through sweating. It can also relax muscles and bones, open up human meridians, promote body circulation, and be effective for various types of wind pain. It can also improve human metabolism, promote blood circulation, and help eliminate waste and liver and kidney toxins in the body.
Principle: During the sauna process, the body sweats heavily, and toxins are excreted through sweat, resulting in natural improvement of the skin. When steaming a sauna, the body’s metabolism accelerates, which can consume a large amount of excess subcutaneous fat, thereby achieving the effect of weight loss and slimming. It can also keep the whole body in a very relaxed state, effectively release stress, and alleviate irritability.
What benefits does steaming sauna bring?

  1. Relieve chronic pain
    After research, it has been found that people with chronic pain can experience relief from continuous sauna steaming. In addition, sticking to two saunas a week for about half an hour each time can improve endurance and competitiveness during exercise after three weeks.
  2. Preventing dementia in the elderly
    Research has shown that compared to people who never steam saunas, those who frequently steam saunas have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, sticking to a sauna can also lower blood pressure, protect the heart, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  3. Discharge waste from the body
    When using a sauna, the body is exposed to high temperatures, which promotes the generation of internal heat effects in the deep layers of the skin, promotes the dilation of capillaries throughout the body, increases sweating, and helps to eliminate metabolic waste and garbage from the body due to excessive sweating. It also assists in the treatment of various diseases such as dysmenorrhea or body cold.
  4. Preventing Vascular Sclerosis
    During sauna, the body is repeatedly subjected to cold, hot, and dry steam washing, causing continuous contraction and expansion of blood vessels, allowing them to exercise and enhance their elasticity, thereby preventing arteriosclerosis.
  5. Help with weight loss and slimming down
    Steaming sauna refers to the process in which the body stays in a quiet state in a high-temperature environment to stimulate excessive sweating and help consume fat under the skin, thereby achieving weight loss and slimming goals. Research has shown that the effect of a 10 minute sauna is approximately equivalent to running a long distance of 10 kilometers.
  6. Beauty and skincare
    When using a sauna, it can promote sweating, eliminate subcutaneous fat, improve the permeability of epidermal cells, activate cells more, and also have beauty, skincare, and anti-aging effects. In addition, during sauna, the body continuously absorbs trace elements emitted by rocks, which can prevent various diseases.
    Who cannot steam a sauna?
  7. People who are too full and too hungry
    After a meal, a large amount of blood flows into the gastrointestinal tract, helping to digest and absorb food. Steaming a sauna immediately after a meal can cause skin blood vessels to expand, increase surface blood flow, reduce blood flow to the digestive organs, and thus cause indigestion. In addition, people who are excessively fatigued or hungry should not take saunas because their muscle tone is relatively poor, they cannot tolerate cold and hot stimulation, and are prone to collapse.
  8. Cardiovascular disease and hypertensive patients
    Sauna can cause significant fluctuations in blood pressure, increase the burden on the heart, and easily lead to sudden heart attacks, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. In addition, the temperature during sauna steaming is relatively high, and failure to replenish water in a timely manner can easily cause dehydration. Therefore, people with unstable blood sugar should not steam sauna to avoid blood sugar fluctuations.
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